Kashabba Coffee Tanzanian Peaberry Beans 1 Pound Bags
Tanzanian Peaberry Whole Bean Medium Roast- $17
Description: This coffee has grown up without its normal twin bean in the shell, being just a single bean, thus receiving all the flavor and nutrients in it that is normally meant for two. Found in the foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro or Mt. Meru in Tanzania, this coffee has an even more smooth and bright flavor to it. Little known fact, but less than 5% of the world’s supply of coffee is peaberry, with the majority of that coming solely from Tanzania!
Tanzanian Peaberry Whole Bean Dark Roast, Whole Bean – $17
Description: This peaberry coffee has all the same characteristics as described by the medium roast above, just with that bolder and more robust Kashabba Coffee dark roast flavor.